Legend of Forest

Legend of Forest, the original immersive fantasy interactive musical was premiered in local theme park on July 3th, 2021. It was produced by Vanyee.


Legend of Forest is a performance with multi-space, multi-level and multi-dimensional full-age exploration and created by Vanyee with rich experience of cultural tourism performance. The theme story of symbiosis between human and nature is expressed in an artistic manner. Bringing audience a multi-dimensional interactive experience and trigger thinking and imagination through the multi-function of performance and theater. As a classic theme work of Suzhou Amusement Land, Legend of Forest is integrated with the theme park development to help and promote Suzhou as an eco-tourism destination.

[Planning and Design]

Legend of Forest, an immersive music opera in Suzhou Amusement Land which shows life and hope with 5 stories, brings audience a strong sense experience through cool stage effect and 42 artistic highlights. The whole performance breaks through the traditional space and the distance of audience experience with 360° immersive interaction, body immersive in exploring the forest world, as well as the combination of original intelligent stage, multi-space experience and multi-level interaction. Bringing audience a unprecedented immersive and splendid music opera experience.

[Science and Technology Creativity]

It breaks the traditional performance space with 200 magic kinetic energy ball and super large immersive arc screen. Vanyee interprets the creation method of technology + performance + story with the original intelligent stage to present the perfect fit between the multimedia stage and the development of the story. Bringing audience a unprecedented experience of visual, auditory and tactile from lighting, music, performance and interaction.


Vanyee produced it through creative design, engineering installation and implementation for one year as general producer. Vanyee adhere to the spirit of creativity and innovation, constantly explore the deep cultivation and detailed measures of cultural tourism and performing arts, and give leisure and entertainment cultural connotation and fashion technology.

[Feedbackon Operations]

The premiere was unprecedented and full of seats on July 3th, 2021, which attracted the attention and reports of more than 20 industry medias, and industry experts gathered here for discussion and exchange.

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