The core of cultural tourism project operations lies in capturing the minds of visitors—not data, industrial adjustments, or buzzwords like “preemptive operations.” Traffic is the essence of all business. If people come, traffic follows; attracting people is king. Thus, every aspect of cultural tourism project planning should revolve around analyzing and addressing these six "arrivals." Master them, and your project is bound for success!
01. Who Will Come
This focuses on understanding the decision-makers behind travel plans. For any commercial project, who are the real guests? What are their decision-making factors and characteristics? What concerns and expectations do they have? After all, making a travel decision isn’t just about money—it involves time, distance, mood, and more.
02. Who Will They Come With
This determines the type of travel. Family trips, romantic getaways, business trips, team-building tours—each travel type shapes different consumption scenarios, requiring unique products and services. The "who" people travel with also influences decision-making significantly. Destination is secondary; company matters most. This is why social-focused cultural tourism products have gained popularity.
03. Where Will They Come From
This refers to understanding the source markets. Will it be a one-day weekend leisure trip, an overnight stay, a long-distance destination trip, or a temporary stopover? Planners must design the project’s market reach based on its location and resource potential, ensuring a solid foundation for market targeting. In modern times, historical assumptions may fail—advancements like high-speed rail have made mid- and long-distance markets far more accessible.
04. How Will They Come
This concerns travel methods. Will visitors come independently or as part of a tour group? Will they travel by car, high-speed rail, or plane? Each mode of transportation reflects different consumption logic. Understanding these methods is essential to designing appropriate services on the supply side.
05. Why Will They Come
This is the ultimate question for any cultural tourism project and a key insight into core attractions. A successful tourism destination must give visitors a compelling reason to visit—this is the most critical aspect of planning. It involves understanding visitor needs, creating unique attractions, and analyzing competitors.
06. Will They Come Again
This evaluates the ultimate measure of visitor satisfaction. Repeat visits also indicate whether guests generate positive word-of-mouth to attract others. While different types of projects may have varying requirements for repeat rates, the era of saturated tourism markets demands attention to this metric. The higher the repeat rate, the better the long-term sustainability of the project.
The six "arrivals" – who is coming, who are they coming with, where are they coming from, how are they coming, why are they coming, and will they come back – serve as the guiding principles for successfully planning and operating a cultural tourism project. Understanding and thoroughly addressing each of these questions not only helps meet the needs of tourists but also enables the development of a sustainable strategy, creating lasting appeal. Tourism is not just a journey to explore destinations, but a journey that touches the hearts of tourists. If you can achieve this, your project will not only attract customers but also leave a lasting mark on the tourism map, becoming a must-visit destination!