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Federation of Literary and Art Circles (FLAC) Visited Greater Bay Area and Cultural Tourism Enterprises
Jan 12, 2023

As an important value low-lying city in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Dongguan is the 15th city in China with a GDP of more than one trillion Chinese Yuan and population of more than 10 million. Based on a new beginning, Dongguan has thoroughly implemented the development strategy driven by scientific and technological innovation. At the same time, it has made every effort to promote the construction of a strong cultural city, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creativity, meet the new expectations of the people for spiritual life, promote a new round of high-quality development of Dongguan with a strong cultural city, and promote the deep integration and symbiosis of people and city.

FLAC visited Songshan Lake in the Greater Bay Area. In addition to carrying out a cultural activities to pay tribute to the builder of heavy equipment in China and the vast number of scientific and technological workers in the Greater Bay Area. They also visited various key cultural and tourism enterprises with cultural innovation and scientific and technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area, including Vanyee.

At the time of the innovation and development of the Greater Bay Area, many national leaders visited Vanyee for deep exchange of views.

Ms. Lin Ting, General Manager of Vanyee, together with Zeng Ming, Deputy General Manager of the Marketing Department, received the visits of leaders and experts, reported and explained the development history, core business, latest works, scientific and technological innovation research and development achievements and future development direction of the enterprise. This time, the research team highly affirmed and praised Vanyee's achievements in scientific and technological innovation, such as deep cultivation of cultural tourism industry for 30 years, helping urban cultural tourism economic development, and innovating high-quality cultural tourism performance content.

Vanyee’s mission is that technologies show the beauty of cultural tourism. In the nearly 30 years of enterprise development, Vanyee has adhered to scientific & technological innovation and research & development, and strive to achieve unique customization for each cultural tourism project, so as to truly "seamlessly connect" creative design and technology. Vanyee are proud to live in the highland of the Greater Bay Area with a strong atmosphere of scientific and technological innovation. In the future, Vanyee will continue to tell the story of China, give play to the core driving force of scientific and technological innovation, continue to create good content for tourists, and grow together with the upgrading and transformation of the cultural and tourism industry.

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